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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Killola: I am The Messer - FREE!!!

Ever hear of anything as rad as an awesome indie band making their entire album FREE to download? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Download "I am The Messer" now - Killola serves it raw!

Get some:

Killola TrueAnthem Music

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Custom Heil PR-22 Microphone Has Arrived!

...and boy, is she beautiful. Behold, excalibur:The real fun will start when I hit the stage with this baby. Speaking of which, I am fiending, man! I am ready to get out of the studio and onto the stage. When Dean gets back from Warped Tour we'll continue auditions. I'm looking for the right people to bring this beast to life on stage. 

I'm really psyched about the quality - both sonic and visual - of this mic, and am already planning my next custom jobs. Get yer own Heil! Make some noise!

Now let us go in peace to love and serve the iguana...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Custom Heil Microphone on the Way!

Got word today from Bob Heil that my custom camouflage Heil PR-22 microphone has been shipped! She should be here in a couple days. The picture on the left is a stock PR-22; Mine will be a badass camo beast. I'd like to add a couple custom PR-35s to my arsenal as well - I'm thinking candy apple red and a Vegas-esque golden glitter. I'll post a pic of the new mic once it arrives.

This was my rebound mic after getting fed up with the thin sound and constant feedback of the Shure SM-58. I had to dump that bitch and get cozy with the clean, natural tone of the PR-22. Then the PR-35 ended up in my hands. "Could this be love?" I wondered. The thing cut through all the loud stage noise and delivered my voice in a clean, clear, and smooth style that left me screaming for more...literally. I love singing through that thing!

Anywho, I went with the PR-22 for my first custom mic. We'll see how she shows up and how she holds up.

Jeez...When did I become such a gear geek?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Sexy Old Man Discount.

I've been meaning to tell this tale for quite some time now...

A couple months ago I was in the studio and noticed Dean was wearing this amazing admiral's jacket. When I asked him about it, he told me he got it at Dragonfly on Melrose and that the little old Asian dude who works there told him, "Next time, call me 'sexy old man' and I give you a discount". I remembered the little old man. He had helped Dan and I during a shopping spree a while back. He was very sweet, but there was no discount. I was intrigued by Dean's story. I like Dragonfly and I like discounts. This sounded like something worth exploring.

About a week later I found myself on Melrose. I poked in and out of a few stores, bought some killer pants at Forgotten Saints, then decided I was ready to take the plunge. I walked into Dragonfly and saw him standing there. 

I tossed my head back, threw open my arms, and said "Hey, sexy old man!" in a very sexalicious voice. 
He gave me a big hug and said, "You called me 'sexy old man', you know what that means?" 
I played coy, "No, what does it mean?"
"It means you get 50% off anything you purchase today."
Hell yes.

I let him bring me all sorts of fabulous things to try on, and we chatted the whole time. I got to hear about his daughter at MIT, his views on the recession, and his tastes in music. I told him about Breaker, my Jeep, and shopping in NYC. I tired on 6 or 7 tops and what I ended up liking was a $66 t-shirt and a $180 sailor-style hoodie. I had my doubts about the discount - 50% seemed like a lot. Then as I was about to bring my goods over to the register he said, "and for you, no tax". Ok, now I was in shock. Was this for real? He went over to the calculator, punched in some numbers, and looked disappointed. "I knew it was too good to be true", I thought.

Then he said, "we can do better discount for t-shirt. Half is $33, how about I charge you $26?" Can I get a hell yes? What would have ended up costing $266.29 only cost $116. No joke. Just for using three magic words - SEXY OLD MAN! 

I gave him a great big hug goodbye and thanked him for a wonderful shopping experience. I kept smiling to myself the whole way home: He made my day by giving me a great discount on some killer clothes, and I made his day simply by calling him a sexy old man. 

I love this world and all of it's wonders.