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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lady GaGa at the Much Music Awards.

She's really more of a performance artist than a singer...I mean check out this awesome flaming boobie contraption:

It's been ages since an artist has inspired me the way that GaGa does. Lady GaGa makes me want to be the bestest, most badass version of myself and unleash it for all the world to see. Between her infectious pop melodies, unforgettable attire, and dazzling performances, she really ups the ante for everyone in the music biz. Check out her performance at the Much Music Awards and tell me I'm wrong, fool:

Friday, June 12, 2009

Breaker - The More I Want, The More I Get

After nearly two years of blood, sweat, and tears (and good times, and booze, and excess, and free-flowing mojo, and insane amounts of laughter...) the day is finally here: the long-awaited release of Breaker's debut album, The More I Want, The More I Get.

If you'd like to treat yourself to some badass rock music with a whole lotta' soul, or if you simply want to support a hard-working rock n' roller who has devoted her life to making the world a more music place, then please click on the link below and purchase Breaker's debut album, The More I Want, The More I Get.

10% of the sale of this record is being donated to the Fender Music Foundation in an effort to provide funding and resources for music programs across America. I know that had it not been for the wonderful music and arts programs in my elementary and middle schools, I would probably be on the fast track to a slow death. No joke. By purchasing The More I Want, The More I Get, you're giving kids and adults across the country the opportunity to experience the joys of music. Thank you for your contribution!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good Morning, Rock Star.

I woke up today with good bed-head and just the right amount of leftover make-up. I love it when that happens.

Yesterday was rad. I had a phone interview with GreenMan for Galaxy Net Radio. I was on the air for an hour, and our chatting sessions were only interrupted by badass rock n' roll...Breaker, of course. We played 4 songs and I got to tell the listeners a bit about each song. Oh, the secrets I reveal in songform.

Following the GreenMan interview, I met up with the rest of Breaker at Flashrock Studios in NoHo. We got on the air at about 9 with the uber-cool radio host, Darin. After playing a few Breaker tracks and talking an inordinate amount about cock, we split for rehearsal.

Being that it was Curtis's birthday, a celebration was in order. Following a rockin' rehearsal, we headed over to Big Wangs where we stuffed our faces and watched Mary Carey get her snatch stuffed. For real. The chick was getting fingerbanged in the next booth. Classy!

But enough about the past - there's so much to look forward to! Off to create a funbundant day!

Friday, June 5, 2009

My First Birthday Present of the Year!

My birthday is next week, but don't worry, I'll be accepting gifts all week long ;) Check out this rockin' baseball jersey I got from my family in New York. It belonged to my brother, Anthony, who is quite the sportsman. I got both red and navy blue, along with a beautiful bracelet. Something about sporting my bro's name on my back just tickles my fancy.

Monday, June 1, 2009

More Eight-Armed Goodness.

As I stated over at, this is like the octopus deal of the decade! I have seen this little guy floating around on the web for a while, but never for such a great price. I got this adorable necklace for only $7.99 from Ebay seller, Skorbee.

Ain't my little octopus a cutie?