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Sunday, March 29, 2009

BREAKER Live at Trip!

I am pleased to announce the first Breaker show with the new line up and all new songs! We'll be rockin' Trip in Santa Monica on Friday, April 3rd. Come for the rock, stay for the me.

Print & bring this flyer to get in for only $6.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

I've been really lazy about posting lately! By the time I get home from staging, it's time to turn around and get to rehearsal, and by the time I get home from rehearsal, it's time to turn around and get into bed. Sheesh, there's a lot to catch up on.

Here's the good stuff: I spent a couple days in Vegas with Mystic Diva. No boozing, no gambling, no partying. Just taking advantage of some good quality girl time out and about. We posted a bit more about our excursion on Wayward Wanderings. I got as close to a lion as I've ever been in my life - it was quite a rush! I'll have to post the pictures once I get them from Mystic.

Of all the hotels we were in and out of, I must say that I enjoyed the Hard Rock Hotel the best. Maybe it's cuz I felt like I was among "my people", I dunno. Whatever it was, the vibes were good and I loved that there was a slew of rock n' roll memorabilia and photography to take in at every turn...and I had some killer nachos at one of their restaurants (we all know that I'm a sucker for nachos).

Vegas is fun for a couple of days, and yet my heart truly lies in LA. I frickin' love it here and feel so blessed to call the City of Angels "home".

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lady Gaga Rocks My Socks

I have been worshipping at the altar of Gaga since I first heard "Just Dance" last summer, prior to the release of her debut album, "The Fame". Lady Gaga takes the best of glam-rockers David Bowie and Queen and Queen-of-Pop, Madonna, and adds her own fabulousity to the mix. The result is an electrifying and infectious brand of synth-driven, dance-worthy glam pop.

When I saw the video below, from AOL Sessions, I kind of wished I had never been born and that all other musicians should just give up now. Yes, it is that good.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Shopping Makes Me Happy.

Last night Mr. Man gave me some cash and instructed me to spend it on whatever I wanted - clothes and shoes, duh! Here's some of my swag:

Romeo & Juliet Couture gunmetal leggings with zipper detail.

Jessica Simpson "Striker" platform sandals (I got black vegi-leather).

Silver bracelt that my husband assures me is "sooo Liz".

I also got a marvelous Romeo & Juliet Couture black acid-washed racerback tunic. Couldn't find a picture online and don't feel like modeling, so use your imagination.

You know what I'll be wearing this weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The End.

After several months of watching an episode of "Sex and the City" during lunch a couple times a week, I have finally reached the end of the series. 6 seasons and 94 episodes later, it's hard now to say goodbye to the girls I've grown to love.

I hadn't seen the series when it was on TV, because I hated women and thought that watching a show about women would simply be an abhorrent waste of my time. I can really be a judgmental prick, but that's beside the point. As it turns out, the show is completely enthralling: lovable and relatable characters, smart and witty dialogue, outrageous stranger-than-fiction plots, and of course, it's sexy. What's not to love?

Gadget knew I was getting close to the end of the series and bought the movie for me!!! I love my sweetheart. Since I don't have rehearsal tomorrow night, I'm planning on spending the evening in with Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda and a big bowl of popcorn.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Do You Wanna' Touch Me?

I had a blast tracking Joan Jett's cover of "Do You Wanna' Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" with Smack this weekend. We ended up with two different versions because the ideas kept getting better and better. I had always thought that it was a great song, but while the subject matter is very sexy, Ms. Jett's delivery of it is not. I sexified my version, and even Smack said some takes sounded X-rated. Hey, that's just the Breaker sensibility.

It was a complete and total honor to be asked to sing a song made famous by the reigning queen of rock n' roll and it certainly has inspired me to be the best me I can possibly be. She didn't get where she is by pleasing others or posing as anything that she is not: She got to the top by being her rockin', raunchy, and audacious self. And that is all I want, really - To make a name for myself just being myself.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The color is much more visible and vibrant in the daylight. Unfortunately, the stains in the bathroom are more visible and vibrant too. Ooopsies!

I gotta' get out of bed and get ready for my day: Tracking an industrial rock version of Joan Jett's "Do You Wanna' Touch Me (Oh Yeah"! I'm so frickin' excited and looking forward to channeling the Blackheart babe.

ReVamping My Hurr!

What else would I be doing at 2:00 in the morning?

Before: Agent Orange

After: Furious Fuchsia

I thought it was time for an update, although I wasn't ready for a completely new 'do. A little color update seemed like the best solution.