As I wait to board my plane, I am urged from a voice within to share a recent experience...recent as in, 30 minutes ago recent.
On Thursday my family found out that my Dad needed to have an emergency heart procedure. Despite missing the heck outta' my man and jonesing to get back to BREAKER, I wanted to stay in NY and see my fam through this unexpected trauma. I extended my stay until today (Saturday), and since I was booking a flight home on such short notice, seating on the plane was both limited and sucky. I got a center seat.
Today, as I was checking in, the lady behind the counter said, "You've got a center seat. Would you prefer an aisle or a window?"
"It's my lucky day!", I exclaimed. "I'll take a window".
She looked at me with an unprecedented intensity. "Every day is your lucky day, Elizabeth", she said. "Every day that you wake up, you say to yourself 'it's my lucky day!'"
Eyes wide and nodding my head, I thanked her. And she kept going, "There's some poor sucker who went to bed last night thinking he was going to wake up this morning, and he didn't. Every day you are alive, Elizabeth, it is your lucky day".
The truth is that I needed to hear that today. The past week has been emotionally draining, and the fact that the counter lady took a moment to share something special did a lot to fill me up. It serves as a reminder that even the smallest actions make a difference. Even when I think I'm not making a difference, I am. Even when you think you're not making a difference, you are.
I hope that in sharing this experience with you, I have made a positive difference in your life.
a-Jetting I go...