Tonight Mystic Diva, Nsa, Conor, Will, and I hit up the Congregation of Forgotten Saints for "Artcore: Reinterpreting Sainthood at the Altar of Rock". In addition to housing one of the coolest clothing collections ever, they also throw the best parties ever: Awesome art, cool people, free vino, and a fucking confessional! For those who have not been, heard, or seen, Congregation of Forgotten Saints is world-renowned for its handmade and one-of-kind designs. Lead by Owner and Designer Cody Varona, CFS straddles the edge of art and rock n' roll. Their clothes have been essential for styling a menagerie of music icons such as Alice Cooper, Slipknot, Motley Crue, Sixx:A.M., Buckcherry, and Breaker.

After Forgotten Saints, we headed over to the Whisky, where we met up with Curtis, to see Lunarclick and Otto's Daughter. Of course, no Breaker outing would be complete without a little rock n' roll rowdiness, and thankfully Conor took care of that when he threw a cup full of ice at two guys who were exceedingly rude. They tackled him to the ground and got thrown out by the bouncer. I was proud of Conor for his bad behavior. It's the Breaker sensibility.
Around midnight, we made our way to the best pizza this side of the LA River, Frankie and Johnny's. Will proceeded to humiliate himself (and amuse me) by putting the moves on Nsa. After he told her that her 2-year-old niece would grow up to be a stripper, he pulled the old I-look-like-I'm-yawning-but-I'm-really-putting-my-arm-around-you move. It was glorious. We wound down with some good ol' fashioned DOC-talk, Kanye West, and Berkley-bashing.
It was a really good night.
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