A wife, a mother, and a divorcee walk into a lingerie store...
Today Mystic Diva, Sacred Diva, and I went on a little mission: Buy Sacred Diva some sexy lingerie! "Why?" you might wonder. Because when she wears it, she gets more of what she wants. And that's reason enough! I figured we might as well start at the Mecca: Trashy Lingerie in West Hollywood. Sure, it's pricey as hell, but no lingerie-acquiring-mission would be complete without a trip to Trashy.
After buying a membership, pawing through the racks, and trying on countless items, Sacred still had no new lingerie. It was all either too big, too small, or just didn't fit right. We sat in the back parking lot before determining our next destination and had some girl talk. You know the kind, the kind about men - all the men we had been with, what we've learned, what works, what doesn't, what's good, and what you should avoid like the plague. It was uplifting, to say the least and we decided, "we must go on!"
I suggested Victoria's Secret, and then Mystic one-upped me by mentioning Frederick's of Hollywood. We hauled ass across town and then after a lengthy parking debacle, made it in to the mini-Mecca. It was clear upon arrival that Sacred's lingerie was in Frederick's! Pressed for time, as I had a Breaker rehearsal to get to only one block south of Frederick's, I left Mystic and Sacred to sort it out themselves.
The girls came by the studio to sit in on a few songs, and from what I saw it was a pretty successful mission: Sacred got $300 worth of wearable goodies. Undoubtedly, that translates into countless days and nights of getting what she wants. And, honey, there ain't no way to put a price tage on that!
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