You see, I wasn't through with the past (and it certainly wasn't through with me) because there were still lessons to be learned and songs to be sung.
What I have learned: It is not Mr. Riverside's himself that truly matters; it is what he represents. He is a messenger of sorts, The Universe's not-so-subtle way of telling me to take a look at what's going on in my life. He represents two things to me; the first being FUN. Crazy and chaotic as it might have been, it was always fun. The second representation is a bit harder to explain...He is on the outside, many of the things I only am on the inside: death-obsessed, extreme, and somewhat psychotic.
My solution: Be and have more FUN. Allow myself to bring all of myself to the party: it's okay that I run a blog writing about dead people; I'm allowed to outwardly love and hate things; and spending the day at Hogwarts is perfectly reasonable.
I believe now that I understand, and am putting into practice what I have learned, that Mr. Riverside will go away.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the iguana.

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